Rugby World Cup: Social Conversation Measurement


This weekend saw the eyes of the Irish nation turn to Cardiff for the quarterfinal clash between Ireland and Argentina in the Rugby World Cup.

There can’t be many tougher sports than rugby, with its high impacts and fast pace… …but despite the aggression on display on the pitch rugby is also renowned as being a sport where there is great banter between opposing fans at the game, and increasingly social media is playing a growing part in the sport’s success.   More brands are trying to associate themselves with the excitement and emotional connection fans have with sporting events; and sponsorship activity increasingly has to have the social conversations concerning such events in sharp focus.

Discussing the issues involved in building and managing conversations around this Rugby World Cup were: ( l-r  below)

Jim Kelly from O’Connor and

Lisa Couzens Marketing Director MMR International

Janet Gunner  Managing Director MMR International

